How In-House Leadership Development Improves Company Culture

We have a great team now that supports and celebrates together, and it’s been a huge impact… That is the type of culture and leadership that every company should foster. ALP gave us the platform to build that kind of community.

Bree Bain
Director of Marketing

What We Did

  • Implemented in-house Accelerate Leadership Program.

Key Outcomes

  • A collaborative and healthy workplace culture.

  • Broken down barriers and silos.

  • Became a team that reinforces psychological safety and empowerment.

Table of Contents


Premier Claims is an Omaha-based company that specializes in public adjusting and commercial property damage claims. Being deeply rooted in continuous improvement and with a relentless hunger for excellence, Premier Claims felt called to invest in the development of their emerging leaders. Premier selected a group of nine leaders to go through the Accelerate Leadership Program (ALP) starting in 2022.

We spoke with Bree Bain, Director of Marketing at Premier Claims, one of the leaders who participated in the in-house ALP. Having experienced other generic leadership training in the past Bree and the other leaders came into the program skeptical about the value they would receive.

Guided by their past experiences with underperforming leadership programs, they questioned its purpose: ‘Why are we here? What’s the point?’ they asked. The group quickly realized ALP was something completely different. ALP was and is a program defined by long-term behavioral change. They soon saw that the program was not a transactional experience filled with fluff. It proved to be a transformational journey that had significant, lasting effects on both the Premier Claims team and its overall culture.


Prior to the program, communication within the organization followed a primarily top-down approach, where team members felt disconnected from decision-making processes. Trust and collaboration among the team were also areas of concern, as team members hadn’t yet developed the connections necessary for open communication and effective teamwork.

“They’ve [Premier Claims] been a great company to be a part of, but there was some trouble with the culture of communication and people feeling safe to express problems and solutions,” says Bree.


As a result of ALP, three significant cultural shifts emerged, transforming Premier Claims’ internal dynamics. The team saw improvements in a cohesive and supportive community, improved communication and collaboration, as well as psychological safety amongst their team.

“ALP Gave Us a Platform to Build a Community”

ALP provided a platform for team members to grow both individually and collectively. Through one-on-one coaching and group forums, the team was able to build deeper connections, break down barriers, and foster trust. This led to more frequent brainstorming sessions and a stronger sense of collaboration. The team’s culture became more supportive, with members celebrating each other’s successes and working together more cohesively.

“Communication from the Bottom Up”

One of the most profound changes was the shift from top-down communication to a more inclusive, bottom-up approach. This new communication model encouraged all team members to share their insights and ideas, empowering those ‘in the trenches’ to contribute to the company’s direction. As a result, the team became more dynamic, innovative, and collaborative, leading to better problem-solving and creative solutions across the organization.

“Psychological Safety & Empowerment”

The ALP program created a culture of psychological safety, where employees felt comfortable sharing ideas and taking risks. This shift led to a surge in employee initiative, with more team members bringing forward creative solutions. As Bree observed, “more ideas are being brought to me… and I love them!” With this newfound sense of empowerment, employees took ownership of their work, contributing more effectively to the company’s success and driving key performance indicators (KPIs) forward.

Leveraging the Integrated Approach: Strategic Planning, Leadership Development, and Data Insights

Dave Anderson

Chief Executive Officer


Strategic Planning Success: Aligning 10 Commonwealth Electric Operating Centers

Neil Davidson

Chief Operating Officer


Growing into Leadership: The Impact of Emotional Intelligence on Career Success

Jody Babcock

Director of Accounting


Applying Leadership Capabilities and Driving Organizational Change

Amy Eberle

ALP Participant
