Organizational Alignment Leads to Success

Leadership Resources

In today’s business world of multiple priorities, increased worker responsibility, and rapidly changing externalities, strategy has the best chance of succeeding when all parts of an organization are in alignment.  When we refer to organizational alignment, what we’re really talking about is the linking of organizational goals with the employees‘ individual goals. This requires common understanding of purposes and goals of the organization, and consistency between objectives and plans.

Owners, executives, and key leaders set the tone in culture and expectations.  If these expectations are communicated and supported by the daily activity of the team, progress will be made.  Conversely, if the entire team is not on board and working toward those expectations, it’s unlikely that they will be achieved. Whether it’s an individual or an entire department that is headed in a different direction, the entire company is pulled off course.

One of our clients shared the following perspective with us on how systematically using our leadership development processes has helped them achieve organizational alignment:

Our relationship with Leadership Resources has helped establish a systematic way of communicating, managing and goal setting. Although we had excellent teamwork prior to working with Leadership Resources, it has undoubtedly added value by taking us to the next level as we live out our model of doing life together.  We are seeing solutions being created that are driving more revenue to the bottom-line as our supervisors are speaking the same language as they work together on cross departmental projects.  We are committed to the success of our employees and clients.   We believe Leadership Resources is a key contributor to helping us attain our vision. 

In the above success story, the president and top-level executives had a clear vision identified.  We worked with their department supervisors to identify department and individual goals to support the vision.  As we worked with them to create accountability and consistency, they began to see positive results throughout the organization.

Leadership Resources offers the following tips to keep your organization in alignment:

  1. Create culture of alignment by developing organizational statements, such as mission, purpose, vision, values, that are exhibited on a daily basis by leaders and employees alike. These must be authentic and reviewed on a regular basis to be effective. Check out our organizational statements.
  2. Set long-term strategic objectives. Executives and key leaders should set a plan for where the organization is headed in three years, five years, even ten years. Once you know where you want to go, you can begin to create a path to get there.
  3. Set short-term objectives that support your strategic objectives. Work with individuals and departments to set goals for forward progress. With input from key leaders, staff can identify and use their high payoff activities to maximum benefit of the organization.
  4. Hold regular meetings for accountability and adjustment. Check on the status of short and long-term objectives. Communicate issues. Make adjustments.  Make sure you’re moving forward and keep the team going in the same direction.

Organizational alignment creates synergy and motivation which propels an organization forward and creates success. For more insight on organizational alignment, watch this short video to see what Leadership Resources President and CEO, Boyd Ober has to say.

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Dan Sedor - Leadership Resources
Barb Fitzmorris - Leadership Resources

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