Leadership Resources Congratulates Lincoln’s Best Places to Work

Leadership Resources

Wednesday, April 16th was a day of celebration for Lincoln’s Best Places to Work. Fifteen organizations were recognized at an awards luncheon at the Cornhusker Marriott for their success as being Lincoln’s Best Places to Work 2014. The Best Places to Work in Lincoln survey was conducted in early 2014. The contest was sponsored by Woods & Aitken LLP, the Lincoln Journal Star, and the Lincoln Human Resource Management Association. Winners were determined based on the results of the employee survey.

Leadership Resources’ Executive Vice President, Dan Sedor attended the event and said, “The leadership of the companies recognized today have made a commitment to the success of their employees and it results in the success of their businesses.”

Leadership Resources congratulates our client winners and finalists: Lincoln Surgical Hospital, Winner – Large Business Category; Assurity Life Insurance Company, Finalist – Large Business Category; Cornhusker Bank, Finalist – Medium Business Category; Five Nines Technology Group, Finalist – Medium Business Category; Waddell & Reed, Finalist – Small Business Category; and Hurrdat Social Media, Finalist – Small Business Category.

For a full list of the winners and finalists, visit https://www.woodsaitken.com/bptw2014awards/.

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Kathy Bourque - Leadership Resources
Brian Olsen - Leadership Resources

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