Is Virtual Leadership Development Right for Your Organization?

Leadership Resources

Virtual leadership development is a pandemic-era trend with staying power. A recent Gallup poll found that remote work is a persistent trend for almost 50% of Americans who now work somewhere other than a traditional office for at least a portion of their working hours. Remote workers and in-office workers alike benefit from virtual leadership…
Woman clapping her hands while having a virtual meeting on her computer

Virtual leadership development is a pandemic-era trend with staying power. A recent Gallup poll found that remote work is a persistent trend for almost 50% of Americans who now work somewhere other than a traditional office for at least a portion of their working hours.

Remote workers and in-office workers alike benefit from virtual leadership development coaching. The coach helps provide strategic direction and motivation, helping people build the skills and confidence they need to move forward and accomplish big things. 

Are you using the kind of virtual business leadership coaching that supports success in an evolving marketplace? Here’s what you need to know about virtual leadership development for a new era.

Benefits of Virtual Leadership Development Coaching

A leadership coach inspires teams and individuals to take bold steps toward achieving an organization’s vision. In the same way that a conductor leads a symphony during an orchestral performance, a virtual leadership development coach provides a method of remaining cohesively unified as a team accomplishing something beautiful together.

Without the right business coach, it’s all too easy to lose focus on the direction of the performance. At key points, your teams are at risk of straying from intended outcomes. Your organization may already have some excellent managers and C-suite executives, but a leadership development coach focuses specifically on strategic leadership skill-building.

Does your organization have interpersonal conflicts? Big sales goals? New markets to pursue? Barriers to financial success? All of these issues can be directly addressed with the help of a talented leadership coach.

A Global Coaching Client Study found that leadership coaching is one of the most ROI-positive activities any business can invest in. The median ROI among companies in the study was a net positive 700% ROI for leadership coaching activities. 

Virtual leadership development coaching brings added benefits like cost-effectiveness and the ability to have flexible meetings. Squeeze the most value out of your company’s resources as support reaches your teams whenever and wherever they need it. It doesn’t matter whether your business follows a traditional 9-to-5 schedule or works a unique mix of hours.

With virtual leadership meetings, your people can work individually from home, join in small groups from scattered locations, or come together as a large group from your company’s home base. Your virtual leadership sessions can be tailored to suit the full range of the group’s needs.

Are Virtual Leadership Development Coaching Services the Right Fit for Us?

If you’re debating about in-person vs. virtual leadership development activities, consider working with a leadership development company that offers both options or can even blend the two into a fully customized virtual/in-person experience. Before you begin, discuss your organization’s unique needs with your leadership coaching company and add clarity to the process.

Virtual coaching is often the right fit for companies that are going through challenging transitions or have brand-new mission/vision statements. If your organization is facing a merger, acquisition, expansion, new customer base, or major policy change, use the services of your remote coach to ease the transition and build camaraderie along the way.

One major warning sign that you need virtual coaching is that your company has struggled to adapt to the trend of using a partially or fully remote workforce. If this is the case, you may be asking yourself the following questions:

  • Do your teams seem distant or disconnected?
  • Are you seeing employee performance issues? 
  • Why do certain team members not work well together?
  • Are teams struggling to properly coordinate and communicate?

Virtual coaching can be a huge help with these challenging issues, allowing your company to turn each of them into opportunities for future success.

Taking the Next Step Toward Virtual Coaching

Get the most out of your company’s leadership development activities by working strategically and providing your team with the full range of virtual resources they need. Experts say the best way to make a meaningful and lasting impact is with robust and customized virtual leadership development programs instead of just using traditional, basic leadership training. 

Leadership Resources provides customized business leadership coaching services for high-achieving companies around the world. To learn more about our wide range of individualized leadership programs including fully virtual options, please download our brochure about the Accelerate Leadership Program. We’re here to help you succeed in the virtual world!

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