Goal Planning Workshop – Planning for Success in 2011

Leadership Resources

Dan Sedor led the breakout session “Goal Setting 2011” at Tuesday’s Celebration of Success. Participants were given the opportunity to brainstorm some goals for the upcoming year.

Dan challenged everyone to not hold back, to follow their gut, and not to evaluate the goals just yet. They shared their ideas with each other, were encouraged, borrowed goal ideas from each other, and generated some great ideas for the upcoming year.

After getting initial ideas down on paper, the group was asked to start prioritizing and categorizing their goals into one of the six areas of life:

  • Family/Home
  • Financial/Career
  • Mental/Educational
  • Physical/Health
  • Spiritual/Ethical
  • Social/Cultural/Community

Dan encouraged everyone to have a well rounded list of goals they were committed to accomplishing in 2011. Participants were then asked to identify the actions and behaviors they will do to accomplish their goals for 2011. Dan reminded everyone to focus on the attitudes that will drive their behavior to deliver success in 2011!

Participants spent the majority of their time working on two handouts:

  • Brainstormed list of goals
  • Purpose/Mission and the 6 goal areas

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Dan Sedor - Leadership Resources
Larry Singleton - Leadership Resources
Megan Ober - Leadership Resources

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