Buy the Big O Show – Leadership and Productivity Tips

Leadership Resources

Buy the Big O! Show – Leadership and Productivity Tips

Thank you for joining us at the Buy the Big O! Show on October 12 at the CenturyLink Center.

During the mini workshop sessions, Development Dan and Productivity Patty shared many insights about leadership and productivity. Hopefully you found these discussions to be challenging and inspiring. We would like to share the full content of these presentations with you on this webpage – click on the links below:

  • 10 Effective Leadership Behaviors
  • 10 Most Common Time Wasters

Let us know if you have questions or would like to know more about Leadership Resources and how we can help you acheive your next level of success. Thank you for joining us and have a great day!

The Leadership Resources Team | 866.820.8410 | [email protected]

10 Effective Leadership Behaviors

1. Self-motivated and goal-oriented

  • Positive outlook on life. They know they are in charge of their own destiny.
  • High Achievers – high level of energy, continues to raise the bar; always looking to improve

2. Ability to Dream and Cast Vision

  • Anyone can steer the ship, but it takes a leader to chart the course. Vision is defined as the ability to see the whole trip before leaving the dock. A leader will also see obstacles before others do. A leader sees more, sees farther, and sees before others. A navigator (leader) listens – he finds out about grassroots level reactions. Navigators balance optimism with realism. Preparation is the key to good navigation. “It’s not the size of the project, it’s the size of the leader that counts.”

3. Decisive and Action Oriented

  • You can’t steer a ship that isn’t moving forward. It takes a leader to create forward motion.
  • Not too quick to decide, but after carefully weighing the options, they quickly make a decision and move forward

4. Manages his/her time well

  • Leaders are short on time – they make the most of it. They plan, prioritize, and organize. They spend their time on their highest payoff activities and delegate the lower priority items to others. They avoid time wasters and procrastination.

5. Handles problems/crises effectively

  • Puts their own egos aside to resolve the situation
  • Concentrates on what’s best for the individuals/organizations involved
  • Demonstrates respect for others

6. Empowers and believes in other people

  • Only secure leaders give power to others. Mark Twain said, “Great things can happen when you don’t care who gets the credit.” Another point to ponder… “Great leaders gain authority by giving it away.”
  • Values other people’s opinions
  • Rewards good work with praise

7. Trustworthy and Acts with Integrity

  • Foundation of trust – competence and character + transparency
  • Willing to admit shortcomings/faults, mistakes
  • Honest and ethical in business practices

8. Keeps Learning

  • Read a book a month for the rest of your life
  • Keep up on business information/trends = ability to be innovative and current with society

9. Ability to balance personal and professional success

  • Professional athletes know that if they give 100% all the time, they will not improve their performance, in fact, they will achieve lower results!
  • Personal enjoyment, fun, family time are all vital to the success of a leader
  • What one thing will you incorporate into your leadership to help you balance personal and professional success?

10. Greater Than Yourself – They Train other leaders

  • It takes a leader to raise up a leader. Followers can’t do it, and neither can institutional programs “It takes one to know one, to show one, to grow one.” The potential of an organization depends on the growth of its leadership.
  • A leader’s lasting value is measured by succession. “Leadership is the one thing you can’t delegate. You either exercise it – or abdicate it.”
  • Recognizes that they are on the “stage” at all times

10 Most Common Time Wasters

  • Lack of self-discipline
  • Can’t say no
  • Messy Desk
  • Unplanned meetings
  • Trying to do too much
  • Failure to delegate
  • Visitors
  • Failure to plan
  • Managing Crises
  • Phone, e-mail, fax, etc.

What is your biggest time waster? How has this time waster impacted your life/results?

What are some ideas to reduce/eliminate this time waster?

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Megan Ober - Leadership Resources
Hunter Flannery - Leadership Resources
Holly Nolley - Leadership Resources

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